Thursday, March 13, 2008

Murder Mystery Weekend

Ali and Damon...ready for the murder mystery dinner
Les and Nate
Me and Bodie
Troy and Melissa

Okay, so I know am way slow at putting this up, but I finally got the pics on the computer from our murder mystery dinner. Every year, we go with some friends up ogden canyon for a murder mystery weekend. We usually get there friday night and the boys play x-box or playstation or wii while the girls hang out, eat snacks, talk, etc. Saturday morning the boys get up bright and early and go snowboarding all day. The girls start the day by driving down to the maverick and getting fountain drinks to take to the hot tub. Then we spend most of the day sitting in the hot tub, only going back to the condo for a lunch break. When the boys get back, we all get cleaned up and have our murder mystery dinner. We have been doing this for 5 or 6 years now, and I hope we don't ever stop. It is something I look forward to every year. McKenzie, Lily, Lucy, and Luke got to spend the weekend with Aunt Janece and Uncle Tyler. They were in heaven. McKenzie loves spending time with her cousins!

Lily, Lucy, and McKenzie at Janece's house
Madi, Lily, McKenzie, Lucy


  1. Millie, it looks like you guys had a blast at your dinner and at Disneyland. Your hubby sure does love to snowboard. I love your makenzie stories, so I am very excited for when you get to come and cover for a few days in a row. Sorry you are stuck right next to me.

  2. I am so Excited to be able to keep in touch better. Really between the phone and e-mail it shouldn't be this hard. Anyway, Makenzie is so cute! I am so glad I found your blog. I happened to be searching something on our e-mail and got to the deleted files and there was your e-mail. Swifty said oh I thought for sure you already new. CRAZY guy! I almost missed it. I love you guys! Hey we will be in Utah this summer and will most likely be staying way too long! I will let you know exact dates when I do and hopefully we can get together. Kate really wants to meet makenzie and mom dads friends. We made the mistake of telling her a story about us in highschool and now she needs to meet you all! I love ya! Sorry for the long winded comment! Maybe I should just call.

  3. Oh one more thing. I also succombed to the fad and our address is

  4. It looks like you guys had so much fun, wish I could have been there :)! McKenzie just cracks me up with how she acts so much older then she really is! She is really cute Millie and of course you are too...wink, wink:)!

  5. I am such a dork...I didn't even see that you had posted Disney pics down below and was wondering what all of these people were talking about in their comments-duh-! So cute and what a special moment that you and Leslie could take a picture with Belle. Looks like you all had fun!
