Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fun Stuff

So, as I mentioned earlier, my birthday was the day before Halloween. Bodie and McKenzie (and my sister and friends which we'll get to later) worked so hard to make it special. They made me a cake and spelled mom with 30, yes 30, candles. They gave me new crocs with fleece lining on the inside which are so cozy, and they bought wii fit for me. I have been telling Bodie to just get me the crocs, and like every year, he does way more than I want him to and got the wii fit, which I love! I highly recommend it to all of you wii players. My favorite is the Yoga, which I am terrible at.

Now, to my sisters and friends.....exactly 15 days before my birthday I was at work complaining to my friend Kristin that I feel to young to have so much responsibility what with being the Primary President and our program coming up, selling the house, buying a business, moving to another state (even though it is just next door to Utah), etc. Oh yes, and lets not forget about my car getting stolen. Anyway, later that night, there was a knock at my door. When Bodie and Mck answered it, there was a note and some candybars reminding me that there were 15 days until I turned 30. That started the 15 days of gifts. I automatically assumed it was my friend Kristin and the girls at work, who are so sweet they would totally do something like that. Then, I started getting gifts in all sorts of places while I was out and about that I couldn't figure out who it was from. During this time, I was told there was a UFC fight night at my sister's house on the Sat. after my birthday. I decided the girls should get together for dinner before the fight and have one last GNO before Aly moved to Idaho. So I got our night all planned. Back to my birthday, I found out it was my sister Leslie and friend Melissa giving me the treats. Okay, back to the GNO. We got to my sisters house and walked in to find that she and Aly had planned a surprise party for me. My whole family was there along with my friends. It was so much fun, and thanks to my wonderful family and friends for all the love!

McKenzie is growing up so fast. She loves preschool and dance class and now as she puts it "is not shy to people anymore" which means that she tells everyone everything and sometimes gets it a little mixed up which is fun for us. The other day she told her nursery teachers that she was late for church because she was at the movie theater. Really she was late for church because she was up tossing and turning all night and didn't really fall asleep until 4 in the morning. She makes me laugh and I am so happy to have such a great kid.


  1. What a fun family you have! I wish that I coud have come to yor party! how fun! I almost slipped it too you. Glad toy had a fun time. I am so jealous about wii fit. how fun!

  2. that is a cute picture of you and mckenzie. It is also a cute one of mckenzie on the wall. I am glad that you had a good birthday. Wish we could bave been invited i mean been there to celebrate with you. I think you are the greatest and you deserve it all. Love ya cant wait to see you

  3. I wish that I could have been there to celebrate the big 30 with you! I sure do miss you guys and I am excited to see you in a couple of weeks. We really need to catch up! Mckenzie looks so cute by the way!

  4. Millie, I was totally going to come to your birthday party and then got asked out on a date by Hawaii boy. He is now going to be known as tricycle boy. Needless to say, I am sorry I missed your party. Believe me.
