Monday, March 9, 2009

Pooch on the Pond

A few weekends ago the Grizzlies hockey was doing a promotional night called Pooch on the Pond. They do it every year and it is a night that you can take your dog to the hockey game. So, knowing that Mere was going (for those who don't know, she is a huge hockey fan and a season ticket holder) we decided to go and take Conan. What you do is they let you in a separate door, you go up the stairs where there is a ticket table and a section is blocked off only for those with dogs. It was fun. The sirens when we scored scared Conan a bit and he tried to hide under the seat, but by the end of the game he was really into it and would try to follow the puck. Mere's dog Kia was doing that from the start. It was so funny to watch the dogs watch the game. It was fun to be there with other dog one point, the guy behind us let Kia lick his ice cream bowl clean! Before the game started, they played how much is that doggy in the window and a dog barked in the song, yeah, that set all the dogs off, they all started barking. It was so funny. Anyway, it was a great night. Thanks for the tickets Mere, you are an awesome sistee!


  1. It is about time you updated this. glad you had a good murder mystery and pooch on the pond.

  2. Lydia LOVES dogs...we need to get into a house w/ a yard so she can have one...I've never seen any child obsess about any one thing like she does dogs. Looks like fn and something she would have adored.

  3. Good ol' Conan! He is a great dog! It looks like you had a great time at the game and at the murder mystery weekend. You will have to tell Leslie she looked super hot in her costume :)!

  4. That is wack! You are wack!!! Taking a dog that could drag you across anything if he wanted to. Wack or super brave, still deciding..........WACK! Kenz looked like she was having fun. Can't wait to see you next week!
