Thursday, July 9, 2009

Easter, Memorial day, Birthday....

We have been pretty busy the last few are a few highlights...

Easter in St. George with the family dying easter eggs, playing in the park, and hanging out with the cousins

McKy finished her first year of preschool at the Busy Bee preschool in Erda. It was a great experience for her...she made lots of new friends, decided she is not shy anymore, and can now write her name. Thanks to her wonderful teachers Reinee, Shilo, and Grandma Janice!
This is at her preschool end of the year program. They sang some songs and showed off some of the stuff they learned this year. It was nice outside while we were setting up for the program, then it go so windy and a little chilly. Grandma Janice was cute to get jackets and blankets for the kids.
Memorial day in St. George with the family again...sorry no pictures, we were too busy swimming all weekend!

Lagoon day with the family...thanks to Tyler and Janice for getting us in for so cheap and for taking Mckenzie on the kid rides so Bodie and I could ride the big rides....the ones that I am not scared of!

This is Brooklyn and Mckenzie on the airplane ride. Despite the look on Brooklyn's face, she really did like it!

Amanda and the kids came in town for about a month and we had a good time going to the zoo, having sleepovers, gong to movies and hanging out at Grandma's. We always love when they come in town.

We ended June with a trip to Steamboat Springs with my family. I have been there before, but have never realized how much there is to do...especially with a kid! We took our bikes and rode them the store, the fishing pond, and the alpine slide. The kids all got excited to have a turn in McKenzie's trailer. Bodie got very tired! We went to Casey's pond and all the kids (little and big) caught fish. Each of the kids had a character fishing pole, McKy picked out a Dora one, and they worked great! We also had McKenzie's family birthday party there. My sisters and Mom are so cute because even though their kids were coming to her friend birthday party they wanted her to open presents at her party that night, so they all headed down to the dollar store to get her something. She is still enjoying those presents!

That's all for now. More about her birthday later!!!

1 comment:

  1. How fun, my family just left for Steamboat springs (they all wished they were going to the beach) I kept telling them how fun it was, then I thought oh maybe it is only fun for crazy single ladies celebrating the first marriage of the group. Glad to know it is fun for families, and sad to know they are going to have that much fun without me! Miss you guys
